13 minutes of Ms. Anna Wintour!


Anna Wintour rarely gives interviews so If you have 13 minutes to spare, and are a little fashion obsessed like me, it's worth watching! Click here.

Side note: Ms. Wintour was the key-note speaker when I graduated from FIT and I still remember many elements of her speech to this day! She spoke about how much the fashion world was changing and how quickly the change was happening. That models are no longer gracing the covers of magazines, celebrities are. And it's not even their style and their fashion sense that we see, it's all stylists. (Not that I don't love a great stylist!)

Renegade Bklyn


For weeks I've been meaning to look up when the Renegade Craft Fair is this year. I went last year and it was fantastic. I wanted to register as a vender and sell my prints and cards, but I guess I'll have to wait until next year, because it turns out Renegade is this coming weekend! For some reason I had it in my head that it was August or September. I'm so glad I checked because I would have been so disappointed if I missed it, even if it's too late to sell I can still buy!

If you live in the NYC area I highly recommend taking the trip to Brooklyn for this fair. It's like browsing the pages of etsy times ten, because you can touch and feel everything, talk to the artists, and take cards and pamphlets from sellers even if you can't afford their work. It's so inspiring to see what people create, maybe I'll even blog my about my favorite finds of the day!

Zaji Freelance Project


I'm wrapping up 4 drawings fora new client, Zaji Magazine. This is an different type of project because besides drawing 3 fashionable girls, it also involves background drawings of cities (the images above are the girls going in the cities.) It's a challenge for me to make the backgrounds match the girls. I've been drawing fashion figures (or croquis; a word that comes from the French and means sketch) since high school. I was also a Fashion Design Women's Wear major in college, where I spent years practicing and perfecting drawing women. Therefore I'm simply much better at them, then I am at drawing other things. That's not to say I can't do it, it just doesn't come as easily. 

One trick I learned from past mistakes is to draw the background and the girl separately then photoshop them together. That way if the girl turns out great and then I have a mishap with the background, or visa versa, it doesn't matter. The whole illustration will not be ruined. This doesn't always work, sometimes its too complicated a pose or layout, but in the case of the Zaji drawings I can do it. All the girls are simple standing or walking figures, not overly intertwined with a prop or background element, like my previous illustration for Material Girls shown below. 

The girl and the drape of her dress were so effected by the chair that they had to be drawn together. However it was a background I was very comfortable doing, as I have done a few similar drawings with similar subject matter for them before

Scary....first blog post!


For almost 2 years (this July) I have been selling my illustrations on etsy.  I've met some amazing people from all across the globe, and I think it's time for me to bite the bullet and start blogging about my work, images that inspire me, and how I take a illustration from concept to execution. I'm not the best writer, which is why I have been so hesitant to blog, but I promise to have some fabulous doodles and visual finds for you!

The image above is a photo featuring one of my newer sketches, named Dylan. I love the styling of this photo and though it would be the perfect visual for my first blog post. 

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