Custom Fashion Illustrations for Vogue & Lucky Brand


Recently I had the pleasure of live sketching fashion illustrations at another event for Vogue Magazine. Vogue joined Lucky Brand in celebrating the launch of their made in America capsule collection. It was a great little cocktail party where guests got to mingle with Vogue staffers, shop the new Lucky Brand store in New York's Time Warner Center and receive a custom fashion illustration of themselves drawn on the spot by yours truly as a unique gift with purchase.
Its always fun to sit down with guests and chat as I illustrate them but at this event one of the guests shared with me that the only reason she came to the party was to get sketched by me! She's a fashion illustration fan and was eager to see the process of how my fashion illustrations takes shape. The Vogue summer interns were also attendees/fashion illustration models (two of the girls are shown in this post in their little black dresses.) Since this was their very last Vogue event of the summer before heading back to college, they each got a sketch of themselves as a nice little "end of internship keepsake." All in all in was another great of live sketching for Vogue.

For questions about my live-sketching or if you'd like rates for a corporate event or private party of your own, email me at 

New Print: Lauren & Ari {For A Good Time Call...}


I'm happy to share this fun illustration inspired by Lauren Miller and Ari Graynor in the movie For A Good Time Call.... I drew this sketch of Lauren and Ari months ago, shortly after their film premiered but it wasnt until just a few weeks ago while visiting Lauren (who also happens to be my cousin) in LA that I finally framed it and gave it to her as a birthday present. Here it is sitting in her home along with the actual prop phone from the film and a copy of the dvd. This fabulous independent film is a must see for every girls-girl who's ever had a best friend, and experienced the roller coaster of emotion that is a female friendship.  (Its also now on demand so you should check it out!)
I simply love this movie. Not that I'm bias or anything but my talented cousin not only stars in For A Good Time Call... but she also co-wrote the script, my other cousin Dan produced it, and last but not least I happen to make my big screen debut! Well, my coral J.Crew scarf did really, as I was an extra in one tiny scene but unless I'm sitting beside you to elbow you for the split second my coral scarf appears in the distance, sadly theres no chance of you spotting me.

If you'd like your own fashion illustration of print of the fabulous girls of For A Good Time Call... you can click on over to my Etsy shop because I've just added Lauren and Ari as a 8"x10" print. (The aqua and gold frame in the top photo, since people always tend to ask, is from Z Gallerie.)

(Fashion illustration: by Brooke Hagel.)

Pandora Jewelry Illustrations


Two weeks ago I was flown out to Los Angeles to live sketch fashion illustrations for a garden party at the Four Seasons Beverly Hills in honor of Pandora's newest jewelry collection. This party was unique because the majority of the guests were stylists, costume designers, and studio executives whom were being shown the collection with the goal of getting product placement in photo-shoots, television shows and movies. For years I wanted to be a costume designer and throughout college (FIT) most of my internships and projects focused on wardrobe styling and costume design so needless to say I was in seventh heaven chatting with all the guests as I sketched.
In addition to live sketching the soirée, the week leading up to the event I also illustrated some of the Pandora's newest jewelry pieces which were then blown up into large prints and displayed throughout the party space. Shown here are two of the necklaces, my personal favorite is the pave feather necklace (attached to the header of this post) and the charms shown "hanging" from the photo above.

For more information about my live-sketching or rates to sketch your corporate event or private party, you can email me at

(Photos and Illustrations: ©BrookeHagel)

You're Invited: Live Sketching for Vogue & Lucky Brand


I'm excited to share that I will be live-sketching party guests again for Vogue Magazine and you're invited! Fabulous Doodles readers are invited to join me this wednesday as Lucky Brand celebrates their new made-in-America capsule collection for an American-themed night, with a live DJ, sketches by yours truly, and a look at Lucky Brand's new journal, Clover. I sketched this fun denim clad all-American-girl fashion illustration especially for the invite with their new capsule collection in mind.

Where: Lucky Brand, Time Warner Center
10 Columbus Circle, 2nd Floor
New York City
When: August 7th 2013, 6:00-8:00PM

Hope to see you there!

For questions about my live-sketching or if you'd like rates for your private party or corporate event email me at 

(Illustration: ©BrookeHagel) 
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