Bat-Mitzvah Fashion Illustrations


Recently I live-sketched at another bat-mitzvah and thought it was about time I shared some of these custom fashion illustration cuties here on Fabulous Doodles. Up until today I've only posted about fashion parties and corporate events where I've live-illustrated but I also, on occasion sketch at private parties such as this Long Island bat-mitzvah for the adorable Julia shown here (above) in her delicate baby's breath floral crown and pink lace dress.
Bat-mitzvahs are always so fun and latley I've come to really enjoy drawing children and young adults more and more. They're all so adorable and "sketch-able" with their fun party dresses, huge smiles and enthusiastic interest in fashion illustration. The little bat-mitzvah guests here all loved their custom illustrations and afterwards I even received tweets and Instagrams showing me the sketches framed and hanging in their bedrooms! 

For more information about my live-sketching or availability to sketch at your next party or event you can email me at 

Custom Wedding Gift {Bridal Illustration}


Since wedding season is here I'm sharing some new custom bridal illustration wedding gifts. The first illustrated bride (shown above) received a custom illustration gift certificate from her sister on her wedding day. Shortly after her wedding the bride emailed me with photos and ready to start on the custom illustration process. We emailed back and forth over rough sketches, her favorite pose and the elements of her beautiful deco detailed gown that she liked best. In the end I loved her final sketch, and even featured it in a "Inspired Weekend" post a few weeks back.
The next bridal illustration was actually a gift from my brother to the beautiful bride of one of his oldest friends. A custom bridal sketch was a great wedding gift for her, being an uber-stylish girl and working in the fashion industry. Her J. Mendel gown featured a sleek and minimal bodice with an appliquéd skirt of modern stylized flowers. Working with my brother on an illustration was different than my typical client collaboration. He sent me photos and gave me free rein to sketch the pose and overall look I thought would be best, skipping all the steps in between. I simply presented him with the final illustration which he then framed and gave to the newlyweds.

Over the next few weeks I'll be sharing more custom bridal illustration clients so check back here on Fabulous Doodles soon. For more information on my custom bridal sketches you can check out the custom listings and gift certificates in my bridal print shop Brooklit Bride

Fashion Illustrator Book Signing Success


Over the years I've illustrated many books but last week I had my very first book signing for Chloe by Design, Making the Cut and it was fantastic! I was surprised to find upon arriving that there was already a long line. Being BookExpo America, most of the attendees were teachers, librarians, publishers and students but there were also a bunch of Fabulous Doodles readers. It was so nice to chat with people from across the country about their students and family members who were aspiring designers and fashion illustrators whom they were looking forward to sharing the book with.

With all the signing excitement I neglected to make sure I had photos so when I got home I illustrated a little memento of the event, sketching out what I wore, as shown above. I'm always sketching other peoples big life moments (client and friends weddings, graduations, bat-mitzvahs, etc.) so its nice every once in a blue to draw my own.
A few days after the signing a fun surprise came when Chloe by Design publisher, Capstone sent me a link to Publishers Weekly where a photo of me and with adorable "fans" was featured in photographic highlights from the expo. Press is always exciting but friends in publishing have informed me that PW is the holy grail and this is big!

All in all my book signing was wonderful and hopefully the first of many more to come. Chloe by Design: Making the Cut is now available for pre-order on Amazon.
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