She's a Sketch: Photographer Illustration


Recently I found inspiration at a party I attended with my friend Lindsay for La Maison du Chocolat. Lindsay was running a little late and I decided to people watch outside as I waited for her. I stood to the side as the event photographer snapped photos of guests arriving and posing on the step-and-repeat, all the while admiring her look. From her Tibi-esque ensemble to her on-trend laced up summer sandals and sophisticated but simple pulled back hair, pretty makeup, and sweet smile, she was a walking sketch! At least to this fashion illustrator.
Once Lindsey arrived and it was our turn to be photographed I introduced myself to the photographer, Kelly Taub, and asked if she would mind pausing a minute to pose for me. I explained I was a fashion illustrator, loved her look and was eager to put it to paper. The very next day as I worked on the illustration I was so excited about it I decided to share the work-in-progress via Instagram. I posted a close up of the initial pencil line drawing and a sneak peek while applying finishing touches. Now I'm happy to share the full illustration, and Kelly can officially say: "she's a sketch!"

"She's a sketch" is something I used to write about here years ago when I first started Fabulous Doodles. It's a phrase/title that my friend and designer Renaldo Barnette and I always say to one another when we spot a girl with either an impeccable fashion sense and sketch-worthy ensemble and/or exquisite fashion illustration proportions or facial features. I haven't done one in ages but I hope you enjoy it! When inspiration strikes you have to go with it, and I'm so happy I did.

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Gift Custom Family Illustrations | Brooke Hagel & IfOnly


I'm so excited to announce that for the next few weeks I've teamed up with IfOnly to offer custom family illustrations just in time for Fathers Day. IfOnly is an emporium where connoisseurs shop for one of a kind, extraordinary experiences and gifts for good with hundred of top luminaries. A portion of every gift benefits a charitable cause! I've chosen Hilarity for Charity, a charity near and dear to my family that was founded by my cousins Seth & Lauren Rogen. They're leading a movement to inspire change and raise awareness of Alzheimers disease among the millennial generation.
These custom sketches are available within just days for a limited time, leading up to Father's Day via IfOnly. You simply place your order on IfOnly then send their incredible concierge team your photos and any art direction you want me to have and within a few days your custom illustration is drawn and in the mail. I'm sketching every family member, from dad alone with his fishing pole to whole families, to vintage inspired wedding illustrations from your parents or grandparents wedding (check out my stylish parents circa 1973 atop this post!), and even the family dog!
I've already been filling orders and sketching away for about a week now and I'm really loving the outcome so leading up to Father's Day I've decided to share sneak peeks at some of the commissions over my Instagram feed. Sketches in progress include a dad preforming alongside Snoop Dog, a young NYC family of three, more precious pups and a even a grandpa!

I'm really excited about this collaboration with IfOnly and hope in addition to giving dads custom keepsakes I can also help to raise a little money for a great cause. You can check out all my IfOnly custom illustration offerings here and visit Hilarity for Charity to learn more about my funny family making a difference in the fight against Alzheimers.

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