Framed Fashion Prints | IfOnly & American Express


I'm so excited to share that for the first time my fashion illustrations are available as framed prints! I've teamed up with IfOnly in conjunction with Platinum Card® from American Express to offer six different fashion prints. Each is beautifully framed in a classic black frame, matted in white, available in a variety of sizes and arrive ready to be displayed or given as a gift to your fashion loving friends and/or family.

Together we curated a small collection of my most popular illustrations and most "liked" images. I also sketched a new fashion illustration to be exclusive to IfOnly. "Georgia" (shown above) was originally created with black and white gouache paint on craft paper. She's a more stylized illustration than I usually render but I love her and am excited to display her my home complimenting my decor of mostly neutrals, black and white. Over the next few weeks I plan to share images of the prints styled throughout my home both here on Fabulous Doodles and via Instagram (@brooklit).
The fashion prints available in this collection are Georgia, Miriam (shown above, as shared on Instagram as I was approving the large-scale print quality a few weeks ago) Gwen, Blue Belle, Kay, and Bethany. Each print can stand alone as a strong piece individually yet they also compliment one another nicely if bought in sets or grouped together, as you will see when you look at the collection as a whole.

As always with IfOnly to make their offerings even more appealing, a percentage of proceeds will be benefitting a charity. My charity of choice is Hilarity for Charity. Started by my cousins, its an incredible movement led by Seth Rogen and Lauren Miller Rogen to inspire change and raise awareness of Alzheimer's among the millennial generation.

I'm so excited to have framed prints of my work available and just in time for the holidays. I hope you like them and should you make a purchase I would LOVE to see how you display them in your homes so please email, tweet, insta, and share with me and other #FabulousDoodles fans!

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Party Sketching Golden Portraits for La Prairie


Today I'm sharing custom painted golden portraits of beauty editors I created for luxury skincare brand La Prairie at a private press preview party for their new products due out in February. The brand requested I work only in gold and custom illustrate only profiles. Painting solely in gold was a unique request, and it took a few trips to the art store to settle on the right mediums to achieve various effects and looks I was after to render highlights and shadows in all one cohesive color. It took a few tries to find what worked but in the end I found the right golden portrait formula. I really enjoying experimenting with new mediums and techniques, and dabbling with mixtures of gold acrylic paint, gouache, ink, pastel, brush paint pens and pencil to successfully render golden profile portraits that reflected La Prairies new "endless radiance" product.
La Prairies new product being launched contained gold so it was only natural the event was held at "golden hour" atop the Hugo Hotel with views of the Manhattan sunset. It was also the perfect event for my new luxe desk accessories! I recently received the most gorgeous Addison Weeks brass and moonstone cup (show above) as a gift which was perfect to hold and display my bevy of brushes. I scoured Etsy for new business card holders to compliment my brass and stone beauty and found a great shop of handmade stone objects created by a kitchen fabricator in California saving smaller unwanted pieces. He took my request for white marble and made me a long card holder of Carrara marble. It displays three cards at once so guests could see an assortment and choose their favorite. I couldn't be happier with how my new presentation pieces came together and complimented this event and venue.  
I custom sketch at parties and events quite often but this one was unique with the clients request of rendering in only gold and profiles, and to be honest I was a little nervous. But its important to try new things and push yourself out of your comfort zone sometimes. As usual this event went really well and both I, the client, and all the beauty editors I live sketched were happy with the radiant results.

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