Custom Fashion Illustrations | FENDI


I recently live-sketched custom illustrations for Fendi at a private event down in Atlanta, Georgia. It was a fabulous fête hosted by southern socialites in which guests were given a custom sketch as a gift with purchase only after spending a whopping $1k, all to benefit the Epilepsy Foundation of Georgia.
I so enjoyed chatting with all these lovely ladies while helping to raise money for a cause they were so passionate about. Live-sketching in a beautifully designed new boutique as Fendi Buckhead was quite the treat as well. I even snapped photos of my business cards styled alongside the iconic baguettes (shown below) to share with my social media before the party started.
It was my first time in Atlanta and hopefully it won't be my last because although I was only there for a short visit I met such nice people, had some fantastic meals, and did some much needed holiday shopping. All in all, it was quite the successful little work trip. For more information on my event-sketching and availability for your next event, you can email me at

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