Royal-ish Wedding | Pippa Middleton Bridal Sketch


Todays breaking news of the engagement of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has me so excited that I took a look back at my past royal wedding inspired sketches and realized I've yet to share the sketch I did of royal-ish bride Pippa Middleton here on Fabulous Doodles. I drew this custom illustration back on her wedding day in May of this year. Sketched on the iPad with an Apple Pencil, which is not traditionally the medium I use for bridal sketches but I wanted to try something different. I used a pink base and drew her with predominantly white tools for a more stylized custom illustration look. I shared it on social and it was immediately picked up by other outlets, regramming and even published by Hello Magazine in an article titles Pippa Middleston and Kate Inspire Stunning Wedding Sketches!
This gown was quite the departure from the formfitting gown she wore as Maid of Honor for Will and Kate's wedding but of corse it suited her beautifully. Giles Deacon designed Pippa's sophisticated lace dress and I enjoyed putting my spin on the look. I can't wait to see and sketch what Meghan Markle wears to walk down the aisle to her prince!

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