Step 2: Polished line drawing


This is the second step in my custom illustration process. After the client, which in this case is a groom who has purchased this as a surprise 1st anniversary gift for his bride (how perfect right, commissioning me to do an illustration (on paper) of his bride because your supposed to give a "paper" gift for the 1st year! Sorry, I digress, but what a great concept, it never occured to me before.) After the client choses the "rough" he likes best (step 1) I then proceed with the final line drawing. This is the point where I perfect the sketch and make sure everything is perfect before beginning the final color rendering. It's also the clients last chance to make any change requests. Want to add the veil? Feel she looks too thin or too curvy? Now is the time to tell me and have me make any needed changes.

In this case the client, said groom, did not want any changes. I proceeded to the coloring step right away and was able to finish it up and send it out. He's giving it to his wife this weekend, on their anniversary, so finger's crossed she likes it! Monday I'll share the final illustration and her inspiration photo.

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Val said...

This is very interesting! I look forward to the next installement. You could use the 1st year anniversary/paper gift as a marketing thing?!