92Y Fashion Illustration Class


This summer I'm heading to the Upper East Side to teach fashion illustration to 11-14 year olds at the acclaimed 92nd Street Y and registration is now open! I'm excited, and to be honest a little nervous. Although I've taught before, at Joe Zee's fashion camp in the Hamptons as well as private tutored high schooler seniors prepping for fashion college applications and art tests, this will be the most I've taught and need to prepare at one time. But I'm really excited to work with this particular age group and teach them fashion illustration basics, figure drawing from a live-model, fabric rendering and fashion design while encouraging them to be fearlessly creative.

92Y Fashion Illustration for 11-14 yrs 
1395 Lexington Ave, 3rd Fl.
July 24th - 28th 2017
Price: $595.00

Check out the 92Y website for more details on my summer class and to register. Space is limited.

(Shown above: Illustration for Chloe by Design, the young adult book series I illustrated and a snapshot of my 92Y classroom!)

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