Featured by Moo: Inspiring Fashion Illustrator


I'm excited to share an interview and photoshoot I did with Moo, the company I have used to print my business cards and paper products for years! Moo sent a photographer from the UK to New York to photograph and interview me in my studio for their "Moosletter" and blog a few months ago. The feature has finally come out and the feedback from readers has truly been overwhelming filling my Instagram dms and email inbox with the loveliest notes from aspiring fashion illustrators and artists who've found my story to be inspiring. I have to admit it was nerve racking having someone photograph me in my studio but the feedback had been so heart warming and I hope to start sharing more of my studio and work life with you.
Being able to print a variety of my illustrations within one order of business cards and always have a "mini portfolio" on hand has been invaluable to me as a freelance artist. If you've yet to try Moo you can receive 20% off your first order with my friend referral link. In all honestly I couldn't recommend their products more. The luxe business cards are my personal favorite but I print my illustrations on their note cards, postcards, mini cards, and stickers.
Thank you for reading and encouraging me on this journey as a freelance fashion illustrator, and thank you Moo for the fabulous feature! I'm in seventh heaven to be highlighted by a brand I truly admire and have been a client of for years.

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