Happy 14th Blogiversary Fabulous Doodles


It’s my fourteenth Blogiversary! I don’t blog often anymore now that social media has taken over however this blog is important to me, it’s where my business started. It marks where I began, how I began and how far I’ve come. I started blogging all those years ago soley as a way to share my sketches and designer sketches I loved. I wanted Fabulous Doodles to be a fashion illustration treasure trove. At the time I didn’t realize my passion could or would become my livelihood. To look back now and scroll through the hundreds of posts of sketches and luxury fashion brand client work is really something. I’m proud of this blog, my portfolio of work it shares and the incredible client list I’ve been able to build with it. Happy Blogiversary day and cheers to many more!

Past posts to check out: 

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