Summer Chic


Since summer is officially half way through and there's only one month left to soak up the sun while sporting your tunics, sandals, and ridiculously huge, yet totally chic, large brim hats, I thought it was a great time to share some more illustrations from the talented Audrey Schilt.
These designs are for the Ralph Lauren Cruise Collection of 2004. Audrey described this collection by writing "I could have fun being creative with ideas that were more about the surf and sand. Beading with a shell inspiration, or coral motif. Swimsuits, coverups, easy soft suiting, sarong inspired dresses for both day and evening!
"The sketches have an airy lightness with lots of movement. Cruise is the time of year people travel to warmer climates...they want cloths that travel easily and are free feeling...not restricting. I always tried to make the sketches reflect the freshness of the season."
The illustrations shown here were all part of her exhibit at New York's Fashion Institute of Technology. I previously featured her work on Fabulous Doodles here, here and here.

Fashion Illustration Exposed


A little while ago, I was contacted by the lovely Julia Stanescu of Fashionarium. She asked me if I would be willing to write two tutorials as a contributing fashion illustrator. Well I jumped at the opportunity and now I'm excited to tell you about the fabulous new book Fashion Illustration Exposed.
This book empowers readers to easily explore practical techniques of fashion illustration while learning about the tools and steps that ten fashion illustrators (including yours truly) employ. Mediums such as watercolor paint, pen, collage, and photoshop are all touched upon. (It has even inspired me to dig out my old watercolors and guaches that I haven't touched since college!)
It's such a thrill for me to be included in this book. I hope you all like it and like myself, learn something new. Fashion Illustration Exposed is available as a printed paperback as well as a downloadable ebook, which ten of my readers can purchase with a discount of 20% off. Its available by clicking here, and the discount code is brooklit. (The discount is only available to the first 10 Fabulous Doodles readers to purchase.)

Bridal Illustration Art Wall


Hello everyone! I'm sorry about the lack of posts lately here on Fabulous Doodles, its been a very busy summer. I've been juggling freelance product design work, website illustration clients, mile-stone birthdays, family reunions, traveling for showers and wedding events, and new bridal clients. Tis the season, I guess right!
Large 13"x19" poster size prints available in my shop:
I thought it would be nice to share this art wall of some of my favorite framed bridal illustration prints. I created it a while back for a presentation. Wouldn't it be perfect for a wedding planners office, or maybe a bridal dress salon?

Fabulous 4th


(Renaldo Barnette illustration of Michele Obama for Kai Milla, and sketchbook illustration.)
I hope everyone is enjoying a long weekend of barbecuing, fireworks, and sinking your toes in the sand. But just in case your stuck indoors and happen to be looking for some fashion inspiration on this fine holiday I pulled a few illustrations from some of my favorite designers.
(Bob Mackie costume illustrations for Cher and Pink.)
See, you can be fabulously patriotic sporting red, white and blue and not look like a walking American flag! Happy 4th of July to all my fellow Americans.
(Audrey Schilt fashion illustrations for Ralph Lauren Collection.)
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