Party Guest Illustrations for Vogue & Piperlime {Part 2}


Time for more fashion illustrations from my live-sketching at the Piperlime store preview party hosted by Vogue. Sorry its taken so long to post part two, September turned out to be a crazy month! This was such a fabulous event to be a part of and resulted in some great illustrations to add to my portfolio of live event sketches.
There was quite the spectrum of sketchable models (aka. chic party guests) in attendance to preview the beautiful new Piperlime Soho store. I got to sketch everyone from fashion bloggers, Vogue staffers and Piperlime shoe designers to teachers and private jet flight attendants! Everyone seemed to love their sketches and were thrilled to be taking them home as a custom favor.  
It was truly an honor to be hired by Vogue and Piperlime to sketch at this event and hopefully it will be the first many. To see more sketches and the guests that inspired them, check out Part 1, and afterwards you can even click over to this Piperlime video covering the event and see if you can spot some of the guests I drew. (I spotted 6!)

For questions about my live-sketching or you're interested in my rates for your next corporate event or private party you can email me at

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skétch said...

This must be one of the best assignments ever, love the sketches.

skétch said...

This must be one of the most fun assignments, love the sketches.

Ju said...

I llllOOOOOOveedddd your blog!!!!