Vintage Vogue Fashion Illustration Covers


(June 1935 by Jean Pages, Dec. 1945 by Carl "Eric" Erickson) 
Today I'm spotlighting some of my favorite vintage Vogue covers featuring fashion illustrations in anticipation of a party I'll be live-illustrating at tonight hosted by Vogue Magazine! I'm so thrilled to be working with Vogue, a magazine with such a long history of supporting fashion illustration.
(Clockwise from top left: Feb. 1935 by Eric, Nov. 1939 by Eric, June 1931 by artist unknown, and Oct. 1948 by Eric) 
The majority of the covers shown here are by fashion illustrator Carl Erickson, who was known as and signed his drawings and paintings as Eric. Other notable fashion illustrators who were commissioned by Vogue include Rene Bouche, Cecil Beaton, Andy Warhol (whom I featured here before with his work for Harpers Bazaar), Jean Pages, Erte and Antonio Lopez.
(Clockwise from top left: Sept. 1953 by Rene Bouche, July 1935 by Cecil Beaton, and Aug. 1912 artist unknown) 
I know models and in more recent years celebrities have become the norm to adorn the covers of Vogue but I have to say that although I may a little bias, I absolutely adore these vintage fashion illustration covers and wish they'd make a comeback.

Wish me luck and stay tuned for my sketches from tonight's Vogue event!

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Kathleen said...

Hope you had a great time tonight at the Vogue party! Super exciting news. What an honour. :)