Live Sketching at a Vogue Office Party


A few weeks back my friends at Vogue called to ask me to live sketch a party up in their offices. Now I've worked with Vogue countless times throughout the years illustrating events for their clients and partners but this time, sketching in Vogue's very own office, was a first!
Throughout the years I've been to Vogue's office many times, the first visit with shaking hands and my portfolio which I recounted in this post you may remember where I actually thought I was going to pass out in the lobby. But in all the years I've been working with my Vogue friends this was actually the first time I was asked to come to Vogue with all supplies and illustrate right there, live, in the Vogue office. And I have to admit it I was a little more nervous than my norm these days, but I shook it off  pretty quickly once I was with the ladies and started sketching.
The party was a surprise for one of the Vogue staffers and having me there to live sketch was part of the surprise. Throughout the party I live-sketched everyone in their fabulous work wear. Normally one wouldn't think of an office party as a place to score sketch worthy looks but obviously the Vogue office was a sketching goldmine of one chic look after the next!
I had a great time and hope to work with my friends more in the coming months. Similar posts to check out of past years events we've come together for that I've highlighted here on Fabulous Doodles:
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