As you probably know, I love finding costume design sketches. Combine that with a wedding and I'm in heaven. I recently found this Vera Wang bridal sketch for Kate Hudson in the romantic comedy Bride Wars. I've always loved this dress and actually have it in a file for future "sketch-spiration" for
BrooklitBride. Doesn't Kate's "bridal beauty" in this film just scream draw me. (Maybe one day I will and we'll see how my version compares with Ms. Wangs.)
beautiful!!! I'm so in love with your illustrations!! :D
Thanks Teaka, this one isn't actually my illustration though, its by Vera. :)
Brooke, I would LOVE to see your interpretation of this lovely bridal gown by Vera Wang! Why don't you do one!!!
Ha! Thank you, I will one day.
-fashion illustrator-
I came across your blog a few days ago, and been coming back just to simply enjoy your artwork! I also enjoyed showing your works to friends and family!
Thank you for being so inspiring.
-Rua Francis.
Thank you!!! =)
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